Posted by: mbconsulting | January 31, 2011

Romania – What you wanna do?

Despite the difficulties and half measures, in some cases, lack of firm response to the condemnation of abuses, corruption within  PDL, PNL, or PSD,  Basescu is still continue his way because he knows that there is no other better solution and does not want to stop.

Romania is still weak and every drop that comes and strengthens it is very good!
Rebuilding a nation almost totally destroyed after 1948,choked to revive after 1990, still has little need for  governing the development, even if this development is coming from different stimuli. It is not easy, not honorable for Romania, but this is the only way to get better! Coagulation of forces is slow, river cleaning from politics is much slower,so we have only two ways to the future: to go forward or to go back!

What do you wanna do?
I want to go forward towards a more clean and educated society, and I really know that this is the path that is going all over the world! Come forward and let the world to know clearly that we are going in that direction!

Posted by: mbconsulting | January 30, 2011

My Home, My Land…

"The Motherland" by William-Adolphe ...

The image of the mother coutry

Ok, here is my home, there is my land, but is this my homeland? My soul is telling me, day by day, that here is not my place, it is not a place where I may share my values!

Then, what shall I do? Where is my homeland?

My homeland is…

My place is where I find proud to belong to myself in terms of values, norms and styles. But these are submitted, more or less genetically in us, these values belong to the family and to the environment from which our family. When you grew up, these values are coming normal and took a place in our souls.

My place, my homeland – it’s just warn me where values are recognized and appreciated by those around me.This is my homeland!

My homeland may be my home, my street, my city or my country. There not always has to do with the place where you were born. It is more related to your soul and aspirations that you held.

If the place is strong, it will impose the values, norms and styles that will be folded on the wearer’s soul. If the wearer of the soul is not proud of them he/she will always look up to find it, his/her homeland.

Therefore every child says and assumes U.S. citizenship, the place is strongly required, but do not know if you can say the same thing about another country.

So maybe it is a start in thinking more global?

Posted by: mbconsulting | May 12, 2010

Opinion – Mr. Boc – Are you OK?

After the last monitoring visit of IFM that were a lot of criticism regarding performances of PM – Mr. Boc.

I am coming now with arguments in his favor:

1. Mr. Boc did not have any previous experience in governmental activities. He was not prepared for this. So do not criticized him too much.This is a problem in Romania, in general speaking, to have people prepared to lead at the highest level.(see how weak are Geoana/ Ponta or Tariceanu/ Antonescu just to compare him with similar politicians).

Maybe Mr. Boc imagined that PM is like to be a teacher in a University, or like a lawmaker in Parliament. OK, these assumptions are wrong.

PM is one of the most difficult job in Romania, even if not the most difficult one.

PM is under the pressure of work, under the lights of mass-media, from morning until night and indeed is a tired job,nothing related with a teacher.

PM is not a lawmaker is much more an implementer, must be a pragmatic person, an unrested monitoring individual, always prepared to adapt to new situations.

2. Mr. Boc faced a difficult situation in Romania, and I do not expect that are many persons able to perform well under similar circumstances. So again, do not blame too much Mr. Boc.

3. Mr. Boc is not an economist, therefore the complexity of the economic situation is overwhelming him and the tasks are fare more above his head (by the way, he is not too tall, he is rather small).

The agreement with IMF requested from the beginning an expert, and here was the place for Mr. Croitoru as PM or for another person with a similar professional career. If during the last winter, at the beginning, somebody laugh about inability of Mr. Croitoriu to speech in front of camera, now he is remembered as the person that drafted 2010 budget in less than 10 days.It was a performance. Not so many people in Romania…

4. The crisis imposed hard decisions and Mr. Boc seems not to be prepare for them. He is thinking more with his soul that with his mind. Please, make a switch Mr. Boc and you will see that you will feel more comfortable. I think that this last point destroyed the PM’s self-confidence.I am sure that he will pass on.

I honestly think that nobody was prepared for such difficult times, but we have no other way and therefore we must go on and take this responsibility and carry on.

At the end of my writing I would like to mention that each person is passing right now through difficult moments, but fighting makes us stronger and more powerful. The good things always prevail over the bad ones, even it takes a little bit longer to be demonstrated.

My message is an appeal to responsibility and understanding, just for the sake of peace: When a man is down, please, stop to hit him again.

Posted by: mbconsulting | June 11, 2012

2012 Romania – Local Election – Partial results

English: The distribution of the votes for the...

English: 2008 The distribution of the votes for the 41 County Councils (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hello here are the last news from 2012 Elections.

The most important achievement is the participation of the citizens – The average is around 50% from the potential electors. In the rural area the participation was around 60% , in urban area about 40%. This is the most important element that encourage  me to say that democracy is on its way.

The are is related with the results of USL (Social- Liberal Union). Based on a self-confidence USL aspired to a major party/union and a control of the local mayors and the county councils.

In facts, based on preliminary 2012 Romanian election –  8:30 AM – 11/06/2012

USL has no lost – no gain in compararion with 2008. The resistance of change/ going ahead in Romania is formed by a constant number of citizens that even is a good or a bad situation they are voting for former communists.

Of course, the biggest lossier is PDL. PDL lost about 11pp on the local site and around 20 pp on the county level. There explanations after the severe austerity measures. There are all important issues related with a Romanian trend: when the vessel is going down skip the vessel and go with another one. This tend is more relevant if we can compare the results from 2012 to ones from 2008, when PDL was an opposition and tried to gain the power even if there was a boom period.

For me, the biggest and unexpected winner is PP-DD, the party that gained around 7-8% on the local and country sides. PP-DD is a party based on persons with low incomes, his chief had a TV station and was very active on it and the majority of the announced measures are so popular that, from my perspective, are difficult  to be put into practice in a country still affected by crisis.

Posted by: mbconsulting | May 10, 2012

Do we really lost the art of conversation?

From my side the answer is NO!
But what about you?
See more details here! Please enjoy the readings!


This recent think-piece in The New York Times argues that we have:

At home, families sit together, texting and reading e-mail. At work executives text during board meetings. We text (and shop and go on Facebook) during classes and when we’re on dates…

We’ve become accustomed to a new way of being “alone together.” Technology-enabled, we are able to be with one another, and also elsewhere, connected to wherever we want to be. We want to customize our lives. We want to move in and out of where we are because the thing we value most is control over where we focus our attention. We have gotten used to the idea of being in a tribe of one, loyal to our own party.

One of the rituals my husband and I enjoy is my driving him to the commuter train station in the morning. It’s only about 10 minutes door…

View original post 442 more words

Posted by: mbconsulting | May 10, 2012


It was an absolutely crazy idea, but it could be done.

My father-in-law had done it before, and he was the one that convinced my dad and I to do it with him and a friend. A four man team, crossing the Grand Canyon, North Rim to South Rim in one day. It would be like walking a marathon, but through the Grand Canyon. I trained for a few months before, running stairs and preparing my knees. Physically I knew I would be fine, but I was trying to figure out the photo aspect of it. You can’t cross the Grand Canyon and not take photos (especially when you’re a professional photographer).

I decided to walk all 24ish miles with my Canon 5D strapped around my neck, with a lightweight 50mm 1.8 lens. That’s it. It was first and foremost a hike, and we had to keep walking. I didn’t…

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Posted by: mbconsulting | May 10, 2012

A fantastic day! Wish you all to have it!

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Posted by: mbconsulting | May 7, 2012

The truth – I just made a copy

The drawing belongs to Martyn Turner and it was published in The Irish Times.

It  is so relevant for our times, for Ireland, for France, for Romania and may be for others. Therefore, I could not stop myself to made a copy and post it…

Posted by: mbconsulting | April 22, 2012

Earth Day!

Most Amazing High Definition Image of Earth - ...

Image by NASA Goddard Photo and Video via Flickr

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Posted by: mbconsulting | April 8, 2012

Monie Blog

An early flight and a million subways later Sam and I were in Paris. The jet lag and consent going finally got me down. I couldn’t help but want only sleep. I kept telling myself, “You’re in the most beautiful place in world, you can sleep later!”

First stop was Notre Damie

I was fascinated by how many people were in Paris. The place was packed with tourist and local city kids. I had never been in a non-English speaking country (other than Mexico) so I felt overwhelmed. I use to want to live in Paris but being here made me change my mind on that one. It made me feel so far away from home.

I continued to ignore the fact I was getting sick and pushed myself to go see the Mona Lisa at the Louvre. The Louvre is probably the best art museum in the world. I…

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Posted by: mbconsulting | April 8, 2012

Cherry blossoms – Sakura

There are two short presentations, two locations, two perspectives.

Choose what you like!

Posted by: mbconsulting | March 26, 2012

Captivating Trinity

Here are some pics I took of a Cherry Blossom tree in front of my apartment complex.  Enjoy!

And if you would like to see the pic I used for the cover of my new Book that was just released, CLICK HERE!

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Posted by: mbconsulting | March 26, 2012

Marina Chetner

Strolling under the warm rays of an early afternoon sun.

Starting the day in Park Slope, a brownstone lined neighbourhood in Brooklyn…

… enjoying a cup of artisinal ‘pour over’ brew from Cafe Grumpy. NB: Nothing grumpy about the coffee, freshly roasted from beans hand-picked in Las Flores. Layers of flavour notes: peach nectar and apricot, dried currant and vanilla – its a nice feeling, being transported to this Honduras coffee plantation with every sip.

A coffee-to-go in one hand, and a camera – in the other…

…  a balancing act of sipping and snapping. Pots of colourful plants line the exteriors of corner bodegas; their flowers make for photogenic subjects.

Magnolias against million-dollar brownstones; a photo worthy of a million words.

More pink hues. Splashes of colour on the pathways of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.

Encountering some fuzzy red bloomstry saying Calliandra Emarginata three…

View original post 344 more words

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